How to Lose Weight: 6 Easy Steps To A Thinner You

Wondering how to lose weight? Or should you actually shed a few pounds,  how to keep them from coming back again again?

Think again. Look at these statistics from people who have actually maintained their weight loss:
. 98% started by modifying their eating habits.
. 94% have increased their physical activity, especially walking.
(Source: National Weight Control Registry)

If you haven’t been doing both, then maybe it’s time to change you thinking. We research the 6 steps that successful dieters say they follow to reach their goals. Remember: you can do this!

Just Out: The Root Cause of Unexplained Weight Gain,
and How To Avoid It.

How To Lose Weight In 6 Easy Steps

1. Set realistic goals. Be very specific with your goals. Don’t be wishy washy by thinking you “just want to look better, trimmer, slimmer, etc.” 

Set an exact weight loss target (e.g.10 lbs. in 2 months, 50 lbs. in 6 months, or whatever fits you personally). Write it down and post it by your bathroom mirror so it’s constantly in your face. 

Accept that as your goal and DO NOT settle for less.

And by the way, if you fall off your diet and miss a goal, don’t let that discourage you. We all fall off our diets now and then. Successful dieters always get back on track again right away.

2. Learn your Body Mass Index
(BMI) and get familiar with how it works and how weight gain or loss affects it. BMI is a good measure of overweight and obesity–and the numbers may surprise you. 

I remember the day my BMI classified me as “morbidly obese.” My jaw dropped and so did the candy bar I was eating. (OK, I made that part up!) 

But it did scare me into an immediate resumption of my best diet practices and, ultimately, a change of my daily eating habits.

Think of it as a general guide that statistically shows your risk certain diseases as heart disease, higher blood pressure, osteoarthritus, liver and gall bladder diseases, etc. The higher your BMI, the more susceptible you are.

Set yourself up for success with short-term goals, like “I will make lifestyle changes which will help me lose (and keep off) 3-5% of my body weight.” Short-term goals can seem more achievable and keep you on track toward your long-term goals. 

3. Understand how much and why you eat.
Amazingly, most of us don’t pay much attention to what’s on our dinner plate or snack tray. The vast majority of successful dieters report that increasing their food awareness was key to shedding pounds.

how to lose weight

Use a food diary or tracking app to understand what, how much, and when you’re eating. Being mindful of your eating habits and aware of your roadblocks and excuses can help you get real about your goals.

Learn as much as you can about what to eat to lose weight naturally.

Also, get real about snacking. You’re probably doing it a lot more than you realize, without even being aware of the carbs you’re taking in.

4. Manage portion sizes.
Ever see those videos in which people from other countries describe Americans? Inevitably they bring up our weight–and our huge food portions. Not all of us are fat, nor do all of us eat too much. But many of us do. And that’s the problem.

How to lose weight does not include burger and fries.

It’s easy to overeat when you’re served too much food, especially if it’s a food full of excessive calories. Smaller portions can help prevent eating too much. Learn the difference between a portion and a serving and how to keep portions reasonable.

5. Make smart choices.
You don’t have to give up all your favorite foods. There are ways to include many of your favorite foods while at the same time trimming fat.


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Meantime, learn to make smart food choices and simple substitutions instead. Discover limited but healthy snacks and how vegetables and fats can help keep you fuller longer.

6. Be physically active.
For many of us, this is the hard part. If that includes you, check this mind-blowing solution to losing weight without shedding a drop of sweat.


For the rest of us, we need to move more. Physical activity is anything that gets your heart rate up, like walking. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity a week. Move more, with greater intensity, and sit less.


The best move I ever made as I was learning how to lose weight was downloading an app that tracked my steps every day. 

You can find all kinds of similar apps on your Android or iPhone. I challenged my spouse to a Steps Per Week Contest, and we had a ball with it.


The Take-Aways?
Change Your Diet. Move Your Tush.

That’s what it really comes down to. If you invest your time and energy into these 6 steps, Your Thinner Self will be emerging before you know it. A good time to begin? Right now.. 



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