Does Intermittent Fasting Impact Blood Pressure?

Currently, intermittent fasting is popular for its health benefits. Research proves intermittent fasting can reduce your blood sugar, manage and help you lose weightreduce your heart disease risk, and decrease inflammation.

Another potential benefit? Reducing your blood pressure. 

Fasting’s Effect on Your Blood Pressure and Heart Health

What is blood pressure, exactly? Let’s do a quick recap of blood pressure and heart health. 

Blood pressure refers to the force of blood flowing through your arteries. Arteries transport oxygen and nutrients to your cells and help eliminate waste. High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when the force of blood flowing through your arteries is consistently high, which causes your heart to work too hard to pump blood through your body!

It’s estimated high blood pressure affects 45% of American adults – that’s 108 million people!  According to the American Heart Association, high blood pressure is diagnosed when readings are consistently at 130/80 or above. For reference, healthy blood pressure is around 120/80.



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